O temido Present Perfect

Present Perfect – tratando sobre os principais erros gramaticais.

Pela Profª Renata Almeida

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Present Perfect

Recent events, indefinite events:
I’ve just seen a famous actress! | He has missed the class.
Indefinite event that may present obvious results in the present:
She has broken her arm. That is why she is holding it and crying.
Habitual actions:
We’ve been eating fruits for breakfast every morning.

Comparing with Past Simple:
Have you bought a tablet? (indefinite time)
Did you buy a tablet last week? (definite time)
Did you buy that tablet after all? (implied definite)

Qual a diferença entre estas frases?
I’ve left my wallet in the car. I’m going back to get to it.
B) I left my wallet in the car. I’m going back to get to it.
(Taken from: Advanced Language – Practice, Michael Vince)
E neste caso. Quem foi e já voltou e quem foi e ficou?
A) He has gone to Italy.
B) She has been to Italy.
(Taken from: English Grammar in Use, Raymond Murphy)

Quais são as formas corretas?

A) It’s the first time we have been on TV.
B) It’s the first time we are on TV.

A) Ronald has lost his keys again.
It’s the second time this
has happened.
B) Ronald has lost his keys again.
It’s the second time this

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