Articles – Artigos, Tratando sobre os principais erros gramaticais.


Pela Profª Renata Almeida

Veja o vídeo, texto logo abaixo!

Mais uma das aulas de inglês do Clube.

Definite article – THE

É usado com substantivos contáveis e não contáveis:
Ex.: The kids are studying. | The rice is not well-cooked.

Para indicar algo que já foi mencionado:
There is a fancy pool in this hotel. The pool has lights in it.

Zero article


People are telling me he is not coming to the party.

Parrots are colorful birds and they can mimic human speech.

Nacionalidades, categorias e esportes:

Chinese can be easier than you think.

Volleyball is an exciting sport.

Before the words school, university, prison, and hospital the definite article is not used, except when someone goes to those places with other purposes:

I’m going to the university to pick up Rebecca. Foi com outro finalidade que a de estudar.

Three men have been sent to prison after the trial. Foram presos!

Vicent is in hospital. /Vicent is in the hospital. Qual o significado de cada uma delas?

OBS: Nos EUA a palavra “hospital” quase sempre vem acompanhada de artigo.

A & AN vs THE

A Mr. Johnson was looking for you earlier this morning. … Um tal de…

Cassiana is the teacher to teach you Spanish.Ênfase

On the Friday, there was a terrible rainstorm.

Qual a diferença de uso ou não de artigos nos exemplos seguintes?

“Wheatfield with crows is one of Van Gogh’s most famous
paintings and probably the one most subject to speculation.”

(Taken from:

“Sunflowers: OK, you might not get the original, but hanging a
Van Gogh
at home might make up for not getting to the museum
during lockdown
(Taken from:

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